Showcase - Virtual tours
Biri - Tekstilvask Innlandet AS - virtual tour
Plumbing work done by Arve Hagen AS
Insulation work done by Activ Nord AS
Textile Wash Inland AS is a publicly owned laundry. After Hedmark and Oppland AS laundry laundry AS was merged first half of 2010, the two laundries in Sanderud and Lillehammer, co-located at Ballarat in May 2012.
The company has a long history, starting part of Hedmark in 1959 as a central laundry for the hospital.
Oppland laundry was established in 1973 to handle the county's laundry needs, but also there was washing hospitals important
The most significant part of the load size clothing has always been to hospitals, but it has also been washed blue. A lot militærtøy from eastern area.
Around 1990, the laundry spun off as independent entities with what was then called limited liability Oppland and Hedmark laundry BA was born.
In 2001, BA-transformed into joint-stock companies with a total of 12 county and municipalities as owners, and in 2004 came Staten v / regional health authority / Inland Hospital in as principal owner.